Composite Helmet Composite Helmet (crystals: 147 C)

NPC Name Level Type Quantity Chance
Dread Avenger Kraven Dread Avenger Kraven location on the map 44 Passive 1 3.8%
Iron Giant Totem Iron Giant Totem location on the map 45 Passive 1 8.65%
Archon Suscepter Archon Suscepter location on the map 45 Passive 1 3.83%
Headless Knight Headless Knight location on the map 50 Aggressive 1 1 / 28,571
Purgatory Invader Food 50 Passive 1 1 / 29,412
Core Core location on the map 50 Passive 1 14%
Orfen Orfen location on the map 50 Aggressive 1-2 10%
Sanhidro 52 Passive 1 1 / 31,250
Zombie Captain's Spiritual Body 52 Aggressive 1 1 / 7,692