
Skill Name (level)


MP Cost

Cast Range

SP Cost

Level 76
Wisdom (1) Passive - - 12500000
Health (1) Passive - - 12500000
Divine Inspiration (3) Passive - - 0
Divine Inspiration (4) Passive - - 0

Level 77
Skill Mastery (1) Passive - - 14670000
Spell Force (1) Active - 400 14670000
Chant of Spirit (1) Active 224 - 14670000

Level 78
Arcane Wisdom (1) Toggle 36 - 16000000
Divine Lore (1) Passive - - 16000000
Chant of Victory (1) Active 227 - 16000000
Gate Chant (1) Active 284 - 16000000

Level 79
Magnus' Chant (1) Active 230 - 80000000