Orc Shaman

Skill Name (level)


MP Cost

Cast Range

SP Cost

Level 20
Stun Attack (1) Active 20 40 960
Stun Attack (2) Active 21 - 960
Stun Attack (3) Active 21 - 960
Anti Magic (5) Passive - - 1400
Anti Magic (6) Passive - - 1400
Quick Recovery (1) Passive - - 2900
Boost Mana (1) Passive - - 2900
Weapon Mastery (3) Passive - - 2900
Robe Mastery (5) Passive - - 1400
Robe Mastery (6) Passive - - 1400
Light Armor Mastery (5) Passive - - 1400
Light Armor Mastery (6) Passive - - 1400
Heavy Armor Mastery (3) Passive - - 1400
Heavy Armor Mastery (4) Passive - - 1400
Chant of Fire (1) Active 61 - 2900
Chant of Shielding (1) Active 61 - 2900
Life Drain (3) Active 40 - 2900
Fear (2) Active 16 - 2900
Venom (3) Active 16 - 2900
Dreaming Spirit (3) Active 16 - 2900
Madness (1) Active 16 600 2900
Frost Flame (1) Active 23 750 2900
Seal of Poison (1) Active 23 - 2900
Chant of Life (1) Active 47 - 2900

Level 25
Stun Attack (4) Active 22 - 1900
Stun Attack (5) Active 23 - 1900
Stun Attack (6) Active 23 - 1900
Anti Magic (7) Passive - - 2900
Anti Magic (8) Passive - - 2900
Fast Spell Casting (1) Passive - - 5800
Fast Mana Recovery (1) Passive - - 5800
Weapon Mastery (4) Passive - - 2900
Weapon Mastery (5) Passive - - 2900
Robe Mastery (7) Passive - - 2900
Robe Mastery (8) Passive - - 2900
Light Armor Mastery (7) Passive - - 2900
Light Armor Mastery (8) Passive - - 2900
Heavy Armor Mastery (5) Passive - - 2900
Heavy Armor Mastery (6) Passive - - 2900
Soul Cry (3) Toggle - - 5800
Chant of Battle (2) Active 70 - 5800
Soul Shield (2) Active 18 - 5800
Life Drain (4) Active 46 - 5800
Fear (3) Active 18 - 5800
Dreaming Spirit (4) Active 18 - 5800
Blaze Quake (1) Active 40 - 5800
Aura Sink (1) Active 27 600 5800
Madness (2) Active 18 - 5800
Seal of Binding (1) Active 27 - 5800
Chant of Life (2) Active 57 - 5800

Level 30
Stun Attack (7) Active 25 - 3500
Stun Attack (8) Active 26 - 3500
Stun Attack (9) Active 27 - 3500
Anti Magic (9) Passive - - 5300
Anti Magic (10) Passive - - 5300
Quick Recovery (2) Passive - - 11000
Boost Mana (2) Passive - - 11000
Weapon Mastery (6) Passive - - 5300
Weapon Mastery (7) Passive - - 5300
Robe Mastery (9) Passive - - 5300
Robe Mastery (10) Passive - - 5300
Light Armor Mastery (9) Passive - - 5300
Light Armor Mastery (10) Passive - - 5300
Heavy Armor Mastery (7) Passive - - 5300
Heavy Armor Mastery (8) Passive - - 5300
Flame Chant (1) Active 84 - 11000
Pa'agrian Gift (1) Active 84 - 11000
Chant of Shielding (2) Active 84 - 11000
Life Drain (5) Active 54 - 11000
Fear (4) Active 21 - 11000
Seal of Chaos (1) Active 16 - 11000
Dreaming Spirit (5) Active 21 - 11000
Madness (3) Active 21 - 11000
Frost Flame (2) Active 32 - 11000
Seal of Binding (2) Active 32 - 11000
Seal of Poison (2) Active 32 - 11000
Chant of Life (3) Active 70 - 11000

Level 35
Stun Attack (10) Active 29 - 5900
Stun Attack (11) Active 29 - 5900
Stun Attack (12) Active 30 - 5900
Anti Magic (11) Passive - - 8800
Anti Magic (12) Passive - - 8800
Fast HP Recovery (1) Passive - - 18000
Fast Mana Recovery (2) Passive - - 18000
Weapon Mastery (8) Passive - - 8800
Weapon Mastery (9) Passive - - 8800
Robe Mastery (11) Passive - - 8800
Robe Mastery (12) Passive - - 8800
Light Armor Mastery (11) Passive - - 8800
Light Armor Mastery (12) Passive - - 8800
Heavy Armor Mastery (9) Passive - - 8800
Heavy Armor Mastery (10) Passive - - 8800
Soul Cry (4) Toggle - - 18000
Blessings of Pa'agrio (1) Active 96 - 18000
Soul Shield (3) Active 24 - 18000
Life Drain (6) Active 63 - 18000
Fear (5) Active 24 - 18000
Seal of Chaos (2) Active 18 - 18000
Dreaming Spirit (6) Active 24 - 18000
Seal of Slow (1) Active 36 - 18000
Blaze Quake (2) Active 54 - 18000
Aura Sink (2) Active 36 - 18000
Madness (4) Active 24 - 18000
Seal of Binding (3) Active 36 - 18000
Chant of Life (4) Active 82 - 18000