
Skill Name (level)


MP Cost

Cast Range

SP Cost

Level 40
Anti Magic (13) Passive - - 7200
Anti Magic (14) Passive - - 7200
Anti Magic (15) Passive - - 7200
Boost HP (1) Passive - - 22000
Boost Mana (3) Passive - - 22000
Fast Spell Casting (2) Passive - - 22000
Weapon Mastery (10) Passive - - 7200
Weapon Mastery (11) Passive - - 7200
Weapon Mastery (12) Passive - - 7200
Robe Mastery (13) Passive - - 7200
Robe Mastery (14) Passive - - 7200
Robe Mastery (15) Passive - - 7200
Light Armor Mastery (13) Passive - - 7200
Light Armor Mastery (14) Passive - - 7200
Light Armor Mastery (15) Passive - - 7200
Heavy Armor Mastery (11) Passive - - 7200
Heavy Armor Mastery (12) Passive - - 7200
Heavy Armor Mastery (13) Passive - - 7200
Hammer Crush (1) Active 37 40 7200
Hammer Crush (2) Active 38 - 7200
Hammer Crush (3) Active 39 - 7200
Soul Cry (5) Toggle - - 22000
Pa'agrian Gift (2) Active 111 - 22000
The Wisdom of Pa'agrio (1) Active 111 - 22000
The Glory of Pa'agrio (1) Active 111 - 22000
Fear (6) Active 28 - 22000
Seal of Chaos (3) Active 42 - 22000
Dreaming Spirit (7) Active 28 - 22000
Seal of Slow (2) Active 42 - 22000
Seal of Winter (1) Active 42 - 22000
Madness (5) Active 28 - 22000
Seal of Binding (4) Active 42 - 22000
Seal of Poison (3) Active 42 - 22000
Steal Essence (1) Active 74 900 22000
Seal of Scourge (1) Active 42 - 22000
Under the Protection of Pa'agrio (1) Active 111 - 22000
The Tact of Pa'agrio (1) Active 111 - 22000

Level 44
Anti Magic (16) Passive - - 9300
Anti Magic (17) Passive - - 9300
Anti Magic (18) Passive - - 9300
Boost HP (2) Passive - - 28000
Fast HP Recovery (2) Passive - - 28000
Fast Mana Recovery (3) Passive - - 28000
Weapon Mastery (13) Passive - - 9300
Weapon Mastery (14) Passive - - 9300
Weapon Mastery (15) Passive - - 9300
Robe Mastery (16) Passive - - 9300
Robe Mastery (17) Passive - - 9300
Robe Mastery (18) Passive - - 9300
Light Armor Mastery (16) Passive - - 9300
Light Armor Mastery (17) Passive - - 9300
Light Armor Mastery (18) Passive - - 9300
Heavy Armor Mastery (14) Passive - - 9300
Heavy Armor Mastery (15) Passive - - 9300
Heavy Armor Mastery (16) Passive - - 9300
Hammer Crush (4) Active 39 - 9300
Hammer Crush (5) Active 40 - 9300
Hammer Crush (6) Active 42 - 9300
Blessings of Pa'agrio (2) Active 123 - 28000
Fear (7) Active 31 - 28000
Seal of Chaos (4) Active 47 - 28000
Dreaming Spirit (8) Active 31 - 28000
Seal of Slow (3) Active 47 - 28000
Seal of Winter (2) Active 47 - 28000
Madness (6) Active 31 - 28000
Seal of Binding (5) Active 47 - 28000
Seal of Gloom (1) Active 70 - 28000
Seal of Mirage (1) Active 47 - 28000
Steal Essence (2) Active 79 - 28000
Seal of Scourge (2) Active 47 - 28000
The Vision of Pa'agrio (1) Active 123 - 28000
The Heart of Pa'agrio (1) Active 107 - 28000
The Rage of Pa'agrio (1) Active 123 - 28000
Soul Guard (1) Toggle - - 28000

Level 48
Anti Magic (19) Passive - - 13000
Anti Magic (20) Passive - - 13000
Anti Magic (21) Passive - - 13000
Quick Recovery (3) Passive - - 40000
Boost HP (3) Passive - - 40000
Boost Mana (4) Passive - - 40000
Weapon Mastery (16) Passive - - 13000
Weapon Mastery (17) Passive - - 13000
Weapon Mastery (18) Passive - - 13000
Robe Mastery (19) Passive - - 13000
Robe Mastery (20) Passive - - 13000
Robe Mastery (21) Passive - - 13000
Light Armor Mastery (19) Passive - - 13000
Light Armor Mastery (20) Passive - - 13000
Light Armor Mastery (21) Passive - - 13000
Heavy Armor Mastery (17) Passive - - 13000
Heavy Armor Mastery (18) Passive - - 13000
Heavy Armor Mastery (19) Passive - - 13000
Hammer Crush (7) Active 43 - 13000
Hammer Crush (8) Active 44 - 13000
Hammer Crush (9) Active 45 - 13000
Soul Cry (6) Toggle - - 40000
Pa'agrian Gift (3) Active 137 - 40000
The Wisdom of Pa'agrio (2) Active 137 - 40000
The Glory of Pa'agrio (2) Active 137 - 40000
Fear (8) Active 35 - 40000
Seal of Chaos (5) Active 52 - 40000
Dreaming Spirit (9) Active 35 - 40000
Seal of Slow (4) Active 52 - 40000
Seal of Winter (3) Active 52 - 40000
Madness (7) Active 35 - 40000
Seal of Flame (1) Active 77 - 40000
Seal of Binding (6) Active 52 - 40000
Seal of Mirage (2) Active 52 - 40000
Steal Essence (3) Active 89 - 40000
Seal of Silence (1) Active 52 - 40000
Seal of Scourge (3) Active 52 - 40000
Seal of Suspension (1) Active 52 - 40000
Under the Protection of Pa'agrio (2) Active 137 - 40000
The Heart of Pa'agrio (2) Active 121 - 40000
The Tact of Pa'agrio (2) Active 137 - 40000
Soul Guard (2) Toggle - - 40000

Level 52
Anti Magic (22) Passive - - 21000
Anti Magic (23) Passive - - 21000
Anti Magic (24) Passive - - 21000
Boost HP (4) Passive - - 64000
Fast HP Recovery (3) Passive - - 64000
Fast Mana Recovery (4) Passive - - 64000
Weapon Mastery (19) Passive - - 21000
Weapon Mastery (20) Passive - - 21000
Weapon Mastery (21) Passive - - 21000
Robe Mastery (22) Passive - - 21000
Robe Mastery (23) Passive - - 21000
Robe Mastery (24) Passive - - 21000
Light Armor Mastery (22) Passive - - 21000
Light Armor Mastery (23) Passive - - 21000
Light Armor Mastery (24) Passive - - 21000
Heavy Armor Mastery (20) Passive - - 21000
Heavy Armor Mastery (21) Passive - - 21000
Heavy Armor Mastery (22) Passive - - 21000
Hammer Crush (10) Active 46 - 21000
Hammer Crush (11) Active 48 - 21000
Hammer Crush (12) Active 49 - 21000
Blessings of Pa'agrio (3) Active 150 - 64000
Fear (9) Active 38 - 64000
Seal of Chaos (6) Active 56 - 64000
Dreaming Spirit (10) Active 38 - 64000
Seal of Slow (5) Active 56 - 64000
Seal of Winter (4) Active 56 - 64000
Madness (8) Active 38 - 64000
Seal of Binding (7) Active 56 - 64000
Seal of Poison (4) Active 56 - 64000
Seal of Gloom (2) Active 84 - 64000
Seal of Mirage (3) Active 56 - 64000
Steal Essence (4) Active 97 - 64000
Seal of Silence (2) Active 56 - 64000
Seal of Scourge (4) Active 56 - 64000
Seal of Suspension (2) Active 56 - 64000
The Vision of Pa'agrio (2) Active 150 - 64000
The Heart of Pa'agrio (3) Active 131 - 64000
The Rage of Pa'agrio (2) Active 150 - 64000
Soul Guard (3) Toggle - - 64000
Divine Inspiration (1) Passive - - 0

Level 56
Anti Magic (25) Passive - - 22000
Anti Magic (26) Passive - - 22000
Anti Magic (27) Passive - - 22000
Boost HP (5) Passive - - 67000
Boost Mana (5) Passive - - 67000
Fast Spell Casting (3) Passive - - 67000
Weapon Mastery (22) Passive - - 22000
Weapon Mastery (23) Passive - - 22000
Weapon Mastery (24) Passive - - 22000
Robe Mastery (25) Passive - - 22000
Robe Mastery (26) Passive - - 22000
Robe Mastery (27) Passive - - 22000
Light Armor Mastery (25) Passive - - 22000
Light Armor Mastery (26) Passive - - 22000
Light Armor Mastery (27) Passive - - 22000
Heavy Armor Mastery (23) Passive - - 22000
Heavy Armor Mastery (24) Passive - - 22000
Heavy Armor Mastery (25) Passive - - 22000
Hammer Crush (13) Active 50 - 22000
Hammer Crush (14) Active 51 - 22000
Hammer Crush (15) Active 52 - 22000
Soul Cry (7) Toggle - - 67000
The Wisdom of Pa'agrio (3) Active 163 - 67000
The Glory of Pa'agrio (3) Active 163 - 67000
Fear (10) Active 41 - 67000
Seal of Chaos (7) Active 61 - 67000
Dreaming Spirit (11) Active 41 - 67000
Seal of Slow (6) Active 61 - 67000
Seal of Winter (5) Active 61 - 67000
Madness (9) Active 41 - 67000
Seal of Flame (2) Active 92 - 67000
Seal of Binding (8) Active 61 - 67000
Seal of Mirage (4) Active 61 - 67000
Steal Essence (5) Active 106 - 67000
Seal of Silence (3) Active 61 - 67000
Seal of Scourge (5) Active 61 - 67000
Seal of Suspension (3) Active 61 - 67000
The Vision of Pa'agrio (3) Active 163 - 67000
Under the Protection of Pa'agrio (3) Active 163 - 67000
The Heart of Pa'agrio (4) Active 144 - 67000
The Tact of Pa'agrio (3) Active 163 - 67000
Soul Guard (4) Toggle - - 67000

Level 58
Anti Magic (28) Passive - - 50000
Anti Magic (29) Passive - - 50000
Fast HP Recovery (4) Passive - - 100000
Weapon Mastery (25) Passive - - 50000
Weapon Mastery (26) Passive - - 50000
Robe Mastery (28) Passive - - 50000
Robe Mastery (29) Passive - - 50000
Light Armor Mastery (28) Passive - - 50000
Light Armor Mastery (29) Passive - - 50000
Heavy Armor Mastery (26) Passive - - 50000
Heavy Armor Mastery (27) Passive - - 50000
Hammer Crush (16) Active 53 - 33000
Hammer Crush (17) Active 54 - 33000
Hammer Crush (18) Active 55 - 33000
Fear (11) Active 43 - 100000
Seal of Chaos (8) Active 64 - 100000
Dreaming Spirit (12) Active 43 - 100000
Seal of Slow (7) Active 64 - 100000
Seal of Winter (6) Active 64 - 100000
Madness (10) Active 43 - 100000
Seal of Binding (9) Active 64 - 100000
Seal of Mirage (5) Active 64 - 100000
Steal Essence (6) Active 110 - 100000
Seal of Silence (4) Active 64 - 100000
Seal of Scourge (6) Active 64 - 100000
Seal of Suspension (4) Active 64 - 100000
The Heart of Pa'agrio (5) Active 151 - 100000
Pa'agrian Haste (1) Active 170 - 100000
Soul Guard (5) Toggle - - 100000

Level 60
Anti Magic (30) Passive - - 65000
Anti Magic (31) Passive - - 65000
Boost Mana (6) Passive - - 130000
Fast Mana Recovery (5) Passive - - 130000
Weapon Mastery (27) Passive - - 65000
Weapon Mastery (28) Passive - - 65000
Robe Mastery (30) Passive - - 65000
Robe Mastery (31) Passive - - 65000
Light Armor Mastery (30) Passive - - 65000
Light Armor Mastery (31) Passive - - 65000
Heavy Armor Mastery (28) Passive - - 65000
Heavy Armor Mastery (29) Passive - - 65000
Hammer Crush (19) Active 57 - 43000
Hammer Crush (20) Active 58 - 43000
Hammer Crush (21) Active 59 - 43000
Soul Cry (8) Toggle - - 130000
Fear (12) Active 44 - 130000
Seal of Chaos (9) Active 66 - 130000
Dreaming Spirit (13) Active 44 - 130000
Seal of Slow (8) Active 66 - 130000
Seal of Winter (7) Active 66 - 130000
Madness (11) Active 44 - 130000
Seal of Binding (10) Active 66 - 130000
Seal of Mirage (6) Active 66 - 130000
Steal Essence (7) Active 115 - 130000
Seal of Silence (5) Active 66 - 130000
Seal of Scourge (7) Active 66 - 130000
Seal of Suspension (5) Active 66 - 130000
The Heart of Pa'agrio (6) Active 156 - 130000
Soul Guard (6) Toggle - - 130000

Level 61
Divine Inspiration (2) Passive - - 0

Level 62
Anti Magic (32) Passive - - 91000
Anti Magic (33) Passive - - 91000
Boost HP (6) Passive - - 182000
Weapon Mastery (29) Passive - - 91000
Weapon Mastery (30) Passive - - 91000
Robe Mastery (32) Passive - - 91000
Robe Mastery (33) Passive - - 91000
Light Armor Mastery (32) Passive - - 91000
Light Armor Mastery (33) Passive - - 91000
Heavy Armor Mastery (30) Passive - - 91000
Heavy Armor Mastery (31) Passive - - 91000
Hammer Crush (22) Active 60 - 91000
Hammer Crush (23) Active 62 - 91000
Fear (13) Active 46 - 180000
Seal of Chaos (10) Active 69 - 180000
Dreaming Spirit (14) Active 46 - 180000
Seal of Slow (9) Active 69 - 180000
Seal of Winter (8) Active 69 - 180000
Madness (12) Active 46 - 180000
Seal of Binding (11) Active 69 - 180000
Seal of Poison (5) Active 69 - 180000
Seal of Mirage (7) Active 69 - 180000
Steal Essence (8) Active 119 - 180000
Seal of Silence (6) Active 69 - 180000
Seal of Scourge (8) Active 69 - 180000
Seal of Suspension (6) Active 69 - 180000
The Heart of Pa'agrio (7) Active 159 - 180000
Soul Guard (7) Toggle - - 180000

Level 64
Anti Magic (34) Passive - - 100000
Anti Magic (35) Passive - - 100000
Fast HP Recovery (5) Passive - - 200000
Weapon Mastery (31) Passive - - 100000
Weapon Mastery (32) Passive - - 100000
Robe Mastery (34) Passive - - 100000
Robe Mastery (35) Passive - - 100000
Light Armor Mastery (34) Passive - - 100000
Light Armor Mastery (35) Passive - - 100000
Heavy Armor Mastery (32) Passive - - 100000
Heavy Armor Mastery (33) Passive - - 100000
Hammer Crush (24) Active 62 - 100000
Hammer Crush (25) Active 63 - 100000
Fear (14) Active 48 - 200000
Seal of Chaos (11) Active 71 - 200000
Dreaming Spirit (15) Active 48 - 200000
Seal of Slow (10) Active 71 - 200000
Seal of Winter (9) Active 71 - 200000
Madness (13) Active 48 - 200000
Seal of Binding (12) Active 71 - 200000
Seal of Gloom (3) Active 107 - 200000
Seal of Mirage (8) Active 71 - 200000
Steal Essence (9) Active 123 - 200000
Seal of Silence (7) Active 71 - 200000
Seal of Scourge (9) Active 71 - 200000
Seal of Suspension (7) Active 71 - 200000
The Heart of Pa'agrio (8) Active 165 - 200000
Pa'agrian Haste (2) Active 189 - 200000
Soul Guard (8) Toggle - - 200000
Ritual of Life (1) Active 83 600 200000

Level 66
Anti Magic (36) Passive - - 150000
Anti Magic (37) Passive - - 150000
Boost Mana (7) Passive - - 290000
Weapon Mastery (33) Passive - - 150000
Weapon Mastery (34) Passive - - 150000
Robe Mastery (36) Passive - - 150000
Robe Mastery (37) Passive - - 150000
Light Armor Mastery (36) Passive - - 150000
Light Armor Mastery (37) Passive - - 150000
Heavy Armor Mastery (34) Passive - - 150000
Heavy Armor Mastery (35) Passive - - 150000
Hammer Crush (26) Active 64 - 150000
Hammer Crush (27) Active 66 - 150000
Soul Cry (9) Toggle - - 290000
Fear (15) Active 49 - 290000
Seal of Chaos (12) Active 74 - 290000
Dreaming Spirit (16) Active 49 - 290000
Seal of Slow (11) Active 74 - 290000
Seal of Winter (10) Active 74 - 290000
Madness (14) Active 49 - 290000
Seal of Binding (13) Active 74 - 290000
Seal of Mirage (9) Active 74 - 290000
Steal Essence (10) Active 127 - 290000
Seal of Silence (8) Active 74 - 290000
Seal of Scourge (10) Active 74 - 290000
Seal of Suspension (8) Active 74 - 290000
The Heart of Pa'agrio (9) Active 171 - 290000
Soul Guard (9) Toggle - - 290000
The Honor of Pa'agrio (1) Active 171 - 290000
Ritual of Life (2) Active 86 - 290000

Level 68
Anti Magic (38) Passive - - 160000
Anti Magic (39) Passive - - 160000
Fast Mana Recovery (6) Passive - - 320000
Weapon Mastery (35) Passive - - 160000
Weapon Mastery (36) Passive - - 160000
Robe Mastery (38) Passive - - 160000
Robe Mastery (39) Passive - - 160000
Light Armor Mastery (38) Passive - - 160000
Light Armor Mastery (39) Passive - - 160000
Heavy Armor Mastery (36) Passive - - 160000
Heavy Armor Mastery (37) Passive - - 160000
Hammer Crush (28) Active 67 - 160000
Hammer Crush (29) Active 68 - 160000
Fear (16) Active 51 - 320000
Seal of Chaos (13) Active 76 - 320000
Dreaming Spirit (17) Active 51 - 320000
Seal of Slow (12) Active 76 - 320000
Seal of Winter (11) Active 76 - 320000
Madness (15) Active 51 - 320000
Seal of Flame (3) Active 113 - 320000
Seal of Binding (14) Active 76 - 320000
Seal of Mirage (10) Active 76 - 320000
Steal Essence (11) Active 130 - 320000
Seal of Silence (9) Active 76 - 320000
Seal of Scourge (11) Active 76 - 320000
Seal of Suspension (9) Active 76 - 320000
The Heart of Pa'agrio (10) Active 177 - 320000
Soul Guard (10) Toggle - - 320000
The Honor of Pa'agrio (2) Active 177 - 320000
Ritual of Life (3) Active 89 - 320000

Level 70
Anti Magic (40) Passive - - 200000
Anti Magic (41) Passive - - 200000
Boost HP (7) Passive - - 390000
Weapon Mastery (37) Passive - - 200000
Weapon Mastery (38) Passive - - 200000
Robe Mastery (40) Passive - - 200000
Robe Mastery (41) Passive - - 200000
Light Armor Mastery (40) Passive - - 200000
Light Armor Mastery (41) Passive - - 200000
Heavy Armor Mastery (38) Passive - - 200000
Heavy Armor Mastery (39) Passive - - 200000
Hammer Crush (30) Active 69 - 200000
Hammer Crush (31) Active 70 - 200000
Fear (17) Active 52 - 390000
Seal of Chaos (14) Active 78 - 390000
Dreaming Spirit (18) Active 52 - 390000
Seal of Slow (13) Active 78 - 390000
Seal of Winter (12) Active 78 - 390000
Madness (16) Active 52 - 390000
Seal of Binding (15) Active 78 - 390000
Seal of Poison (6) Active 78 - 390000
Seal of Mirage (11) Active 78 - 390000
Steal Essence (12) Active 135 - 390000
Seal of Silence (10) Active 78 - 390000
Seal of Scourge (12) Active 78 - 390000
Seal of Suspension (10) Active 78 - 390000
The Heart of Pa'agrio (11) Active 182 - 390000
Soul Guard (11) Toggle - - 390000
The Honor of Pa'agrio (3) Active 182 - 390000
Ritual of Life (4) Active 91 - 390000

Level 72
Anti Magic (42) Passive - - 300000
Anti Magic (43) Passive - - 300000
Boost Mana (8) Passive - - 600000
Weapon Mastery (39) Passive - - 300000
Weapon Mastery (40) Passive - - 300000
Robe Mastery (42) Passive - - 300000
Robe Mastery (43) Passive - - 300000
Light Armor Mastery (42) Passive - - 300000
Light Armor Mastery (43) Passive - - 300000
Heavy Armor Mastery (40) Passive - - 300000
Heavy Armor Mastery (41) Passive - - 300000
Hammer Crush (32) Active 71 - 300000
Hammer Crush (33) Active 72 - 300000
Soul Cry (10) Toggle - - 600000
Fear (18) Active 53 - 600000
Seal of Chaos (15) Active 80 - 600000
Dreaming Spirit (19) Active 53 - 600000
Seal of Slow (14) Active 80 - 600000
Seal of Winter (13) Active 80 - 600000
Madness (17) Active 53 - 600000
Seal of Binding (16) Active 80 - 600000
Seal of Gloom (4) Active 120 - 600000
Seal of Mirage (12) Active 80 - 600000
Steal Essence (13) Active 138 - 600000
Seal of Silence (11) Active 80 - 600000
Seal of Scourge (13) Active 80 - 600000
Seal of Suspension (11) Active 80 - 600000
The Heart of Pa'agrio (12) Active 186 - 600000
Soul Guard (12) Toggle - - 600000
The Honor of Pa'agrio (4) Active 186 - 600000
Ritual of Life (5) Active 93 - 600000

Level 74
Anti Magic (44) Passive - - 460000
Anti Magic (45) Passive - - 460000
Fast HP Recovery (6) Passive - - 920000
Fast Mana Recovery (7) Passive - - 920000
Weapon Mastery (41) Passive - - 460000
Weapon Mastery (42) Passive - - 460000
Robe Mastery (44) Passive - - 460000
Robe Mastery (45) Passive - - 460000
Light Armor Mastery (44) Passive - - 460000
Light Armor Mastery (45) Passive - - 460000
Heavy Armor Mastery (42) Passive - - 460000
Heavy Armor Mastery (43) Passive - - 460000
Hammer Crush (34) Active 73 - 460000
Hammer Crush (35) Active 74 - 460000
Fear (19) Active 55 - 920000
Seal of Chaos (16) Active 82 - 920000
Dreaming Spirit (20) Active 55 - 920000
Seal of Slow (15) Active 82 - 920000
Seal of Winter (14) Active 82 - 920000
Madness (18) Active 55 - 920000
Seal of Flame (4) Active 122 - 920000
Seal of Binding (17) Active 82 - 920000
Seal of Mirage (13) Active 82 - 920000
Steal Essence (14) Active 141 - 920000
Seal of Silence (12) Active 82 - 920000
Seal of Scourge (14) Active 82 - 920000
Seal of Suspension (12) Active 82 - 920000
The Heart of Pa'agrio (13) Active 191 - 920000
Soul Guard (13) Toggle - - 920000
The Honor of Pa'agrio (5) Active 191 - 920000
Ritual of Life (6) Active 96 - 920000