
Skill Name (level)


MP Cost

Cast Range

SP Cost

Level 40
Double Shot (1) Active 80 900 16000
Double Shot (2) Active 82 - 16000
Double Shot (3) Active 85 - 16000
Stunning Shot (4) Active 56 - 16000
Stunning Shot (5) Active 58 - 16000
Stunning Shot (6) Active 60 - 16000
Long Shot (2) Passive - - 49000
Hawk Eye (1) Active 18 - 49000
Vital Force (3) Passive - - 49000
Bow Mastery (16) Passive - - 16000
Bow Mastery (17) Passive - - 16000
Bow Mastery (18) Passive - - 16000
Light Armor Mastery (11) Passive - - 16000
Light Armor Mastery (12) Passive - - 16000
Light Armor Mastery (13) Passive - - 16000
Vicious Stance (6) Toggle - - 49000

Level 43
Double Shot (4) Active 85 - 19000
Double Shot (5) Active 87 - 19000
Double Shot (6) Active 90 - 19000
Stunning Shot (7) Active 60 - 19000
Stunning Shot (8) Active 62 - 19000
Stunning Shot (9) Active 64 - 19000
Quick Step (2) Passive - - 58000
Esprit (2) Passive - - 58000
Bow Mastery (19) Passive - - 19000
Bow Mastery (20) Passive - - 19000
Bow Mastery (21) Passive - - 19000
Acrobatic Move (2) Passive - - 58000
Light Armor Mastery (14) Passive - - 19000
Light Armor Mastery (15) Passive - - 19000
Light Armor Mastery (16) Passive - - 19000
Vicious Stance (7) Toggle - - 58000

Level 46
Double Shot (7) Active 93 - 22000
Double Shot (8) Active 95 - 22000
Double Shot (9) Active 98 - 22000
Burst Shot (1) Active 139 500 22000
Burst Shot (2) Active 143 - 22000
Burst Shot (3) Active 147 - 22000
Stunning Shot (10) Active 66 - 22000
Stunning Shot (11) Active 68 - 22000
Stunning Shot (12) Active 70 - 22000
Vital Force (4) Passive - - 67000
Esprit (3) Passive - - 67000
Bow Mastery (22) Passive - - 22000
Bow Mastery (23) Passive - - 22000
Bow Mastery (24) Passive - - 22000
Light Armor Mastery (17) Passive - - 22000
Light Armor Mastery (18) Passive - - 22000
Light Armor Mastery (19) Passive - - 22000
Soul of Sagittarius (1) Active - - 67000
Vicious Stance (8) Toggle - - 67000

Level 49
Double Shot (10) Active 101 - 41000
Double Shot (11) Active 104 - 41000
Double Shot (12) Active 107 - 41000
Burst Shot (4) Active 151 - 41000
Burst Shot (5) Active 155 - 41000
Burst Shot (6) Active 160 - 41000
Stunning Shot (13) Active 71 - 41000
Stunning Shot (14) Active 73 - 41000
Stunning Shot (15) Active 75 - 41000
Hawk Eye (2) Active 22 - 123000
Esprit (4) Passive - - 123000
Bow Mastery (25) Passive - - 41000
Bow Mastery (26) Passive - - 41000
Bow Mastery (27) Passive - - 41000
Light Armor Mastery (20) Passive - - 41000
Light Armor Mastery (21) Passive - - 41000
Light Armor Mastery (22) Passive - - 41000
Vicious Stance (9) Toggle - - 123000

Level 52
Double Shot (13) Active 109 - 63000
Double Shot (14) Active 110 - 63000
Double Shot (15) Active 112 - 63000
Burst Shot (7) Active 164 - 63000
Burst Shot (8) Active 164 - 63000
Burst Shot (9) Active 168 - 63000
Stunning Shot (16) Active 77 - 63000
Stunning Shot (17) Active 78 - 63000
Stunning Shot (18) Active 80 - 63000
Vital Force (5) Passive - - 188000
Esprit (5) Passive - - 188000
Bow Mastery (28) Passive - - 63000
Bow Mastery (29) Passive - - 63000
Bow Mastery (30) Passive - - 63000
Light Armor Mastery (23) Passive - - 63000
Light Armor Mastery (24) Passive - - 63000
Light Armor Mastery (25) Passive - - 63000
Vicious Stance (10) Toggle - - 188000
Divine Inspiration (1) Passive - - 0

Level 55
Double Shot (16) Active 115 - 71000
Double Shot (17) Active 118 - 71000
Double Shot (18) Active 121 - 71000
Burst Shot (10) Active 173 - 71000
Burst Shot (11) Active 177 - 71000
Burst Shot (12) Active 181 - 71000
Rapid Shot (2) Active 20 - 213000
Stunning Shot (19) Active 82 - 71000
Stunning Shot (20) Active 84 - 71000
Stunning Shot (21) Active 86 - 71000
Bow Mastery (31) Passive - - 71000
Bow Mastery (32) Passive - - 71000
Bow Mastery (33) Passive - - 71000
Acrobatic Move (3) Passive - - 213000
Light Armor Mastery (26) Passive - - 71000
Light Armor Mastery (27) Passive - - 71000
Light Armor Mastery (28) Passive - - 71000
Vicious Stance (11) Toggle - - 213000

Level 58
Double Shot (19) Active 124 - 74000
Double Shot (20) Active 126 - 74000
Double Shot (21) Active 129 - 74000
Burst Shot (13) Active 185 - 74000
Burst Shot (14) Active 189 - 74000
Burst Shot (15) Active 194 - 74000
Stunning Shot (22) Active 87 - 74000
Stunning Shot (23) Active 89 - 74000
Stunning Shot (24) Active 91 - 74000
Hawk Eye (3) Active 27 - 223000
Vital Force (6) Passive - - 223000
Bow Mastery (34) Passive - - 74000
Bow Mastery (35) Passive - - 74000
Bow Mastery (36) Passive - - 74000
Light Armor Mastery (29) Passive - - 74000
Light Armor Mastery (30) Passive - - 74000
Light Armor Mastery (31) Passive - - 74000
Soul of Sagittarius (2) Active - - 223000
Vicious Stance (12) Toggle - - 223000
Spirit of Sagittarius (1) Active 27 - 223000
Blessing of Sagittarius (1) Active 27 - 223000
Pain of Sagittarius (1) Active - - 223000
Quiver of Holding (1) Passive - - 223000

Level 60
Double Shot (22) Active 132 - 210000
Double Shot (23) Active 135 - 210000
Burst Shot (16) Active 198 - 210000
Burst Shot (17) Active 202 - 210000
Stunning Shot (25) Active 93 - 210000
Stunning Shot (26) Active 95 - 210000
Bow Mastery (37) Passive - - 210000
Bow Mastery (38) Passive - - 210000
Light Armor Mastery (32) Passive - - 210000
Light Armor Mastery (33) Passive - - 210000
Vicious Stance (13) Toggle - - 410000
Snipe (1) Active 28 - 410000

Level 61
Divine Inspiration (2) Passive - - 0

Level 62
Double Shot (24) Active 135 - 220000
Double Shot (25) Active 138 - 220000
Burst Shot (18) Active 202 - 220000
Burst Shot (19) Active 206 - 220000
Stunning Shot (27) Active 96 - 220000
Stunning Shot (28) Active 98 - 220000
Esprit (6) Passive - - 440000
Bow Mastery (39) Passive - - 220000
Bow Mastery (40) Passive - - 220000
Light Armor Mastery (34) Passive - - 220000
Light Armor Mastery (35) Passive - - 220000
Vicious Stance (14) Toggle - - 440000
Snipe (2) Active 29 - 440000
Pain of Sagittarius (2) Active - - 440000

Level 64
Double Shot (26) Active 140 - 270000
Double Shot (27) Active 143 - 270000
Burst Shot (20) Active 210 - 270000
Burst Shot (21) Active 214 - 270000
Stunning Shot (29) Active 99 - 270000
Stunning Shot (30) Active 101 - 270000
Vital Force (7) Passive - - 530000
Bow Mastery (41) Passive - - 270000
Bow Mastery (42) Passive - - 270000
Light Armor Mastery (36) Passive - - 270000
Light Armor Mastery (37) Passive - - 270000
Soul of Sagittarius (3) Active - - 530000
Vicious Stance (15) Toggle - - 530000
Snipe (3) Active 30 - 530000

Level 66
Double Shot (28) Active 145 - 290000
Double Shot (29) Active 148 - 290000
Burst Shot (22) Active 218 - 290000
Burst Shot (23) Active 222 - 290000
Stunning Shot (31) Active 103 - 290000
Stunning Shot (32) Active 105 - 290000
Bow Mastery (43) Passive - - 290000
Bow Mastery (44) Passive - - 290000
Light Armor Mastery (38) Passive - - 290000
Light Armor Mastery (39) Passive - - 290000
Vicious Stance (16) Toggle - - 580000
Snipe (4) Active 31 - 580000
Quiver of Arrow: Grade A (1) Active 366 - 580000
Spirit of Sagittarius (2) Active 31 - 580000
Blessing of Sagittarius (2) Active 31 - 580000
Pain of Sagittarius (3) Active - - 580000
Quiver of Holding (2) Passive - - 580000

Level 68
Double Shot (30) Active 150 - 490000
Double Shot (31) Active 153 - 490000
Burst Shot (24) Active 225 - 490000
Burst Shot (25) Active 229 - 490000
Stunning Shot (33) Active 106 - 490000
Stunning Shot (34) Active 108 - 490000
Esprit (7) Passive - - 980000
Bow Mastery (45) Passive - - 490000
Bow Mastery (46) Passive - - 490000
Light Armor Mastery (40) Passive - - 490000
Light Armor Mastery (41) Passive - - 490000
Vicious Stance (17) Toggle - - 980000
Snipe (5) Active 32 - 980000

Level 70
Double Shot (32) Active 155 - 520000
Double Shot (33) Active 157 - 520000
Burst Shot (26) Active 232 - 520000
Burst Shot (27) Active 236 - 520000
Stunning Shot (35) Active 110 - 520000
Stunning Shot (36) Active 111 - 520000
Bow Mastery (47) Passive - - 520000
Bow Mastery (48) Passive - - 520000
Light Armor Mastery (42) Passive - - 520000
Light Armor Mastery (43) Passive - - 520000
Soul of Sagittarius (4) Active - - 1030000
Vicious Stance (18) Toggle - - 1030000
Snipe (6) Active 33 - 1030000
Pain of Sagittarius (4) Active - - 1030000

Level 72
Double Shot (34) Active 160 - 670000
Double Shot (35) Active 162 - 670000
Burst Shot (28) Active 239 - 670000
Burst Shot (29) Active 243 - 670000
Stunning Shot (37) Active 113 - 670000
Stunning Shot (38) Active 114 - 670000
Vital Force (8) Passive - - 1330000
Bow Mastery (49) Passive - - 670000
Bow Mastery (50) Passive - - 670000
Light Armor Mastery (44) Passive - - 670000
Light Armor Mastery (45) Passive - - 670000
Vicious Stance (19) Toggle - - 1330000
Snipe (7) Active 34 - 1330000
Quiver of Arrow: Grade S (1) Active 398 - 1330000

Level 74
Double Shot (36) Active 164 - 1080000
Double Shot (37) Active 166 - 1080000
Burst Shot (30) Active 246 - 1080000
Burst Shot (31) Active 249 - 1080000
Stunning Shot (39) Active 116 - 1080000
Stunning Shot (40) Active 117 - 1080000
Esprit (8) Passive - - 2170000
Bow Mastery (51) Passive - - 1080000
Bow Mastery (52) Passive - - 1080000
Light Armor Mastery (46) Passive - - 1080000
Light Armor Mastery (47) Passive - - 1080000
Vicious Stance (20) Toggle - - 2170000
Snipe (8) Active 34 - 2170000
Spirit of Sagittarius (3) Active 34 - 2170000
Blessing of Sagittarius (3) Active 34 - 2170000
Pain of Sagittarius (5) Active - - 2170000
Quiver of Holding (3) Passive - - 2170000